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Statement of Charges
The Statement of Charges is a general information about all charges and interest incurred in connection with a payment account. The Statement of Charges provides our customers with a list of all charges and interest pursuant to the Payment Accounts Act that they have incurred in connection with their payment accounts with us. The information is compiled on the basis of the Payment Accounts Act (sections 10 to 13). Only accounts denominated in euros are taken into account.
The form and content are prescribed by the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin). The report mainly includes cost items that are already known from the individual statements, the account statement or the credit card statement. These include, in particular, interest paid and received as well as fees for payment transactions and account-related services. Fees from third-party providers such as credit card issuers and ATM operators are also taken into account. In some cases, the report can be very extensive due to the detailed requirements imposed by the legislator.
For sustainability reasons, we do not print and mail all charge statements across the board.
The statement of charges can be requested on demand.
Your customer advisor will be happy to answer any questions you may have on this subject.
In order to meet the requirements of the Payment Accounts Act (ZKG), we are obliged to provide you with all charge information and comparison criteria to which comparison website operators also have access (§14 ZKG General Information Obligations of Payment Service Providers).
This information is only available in German.