We need your consent to display map services
We use Google Maps as third-party software in order to be able to present our locations to you here.
By clicking on "Accept" you agree to the data processing by Google.
Feel free to write us!
We are on site for you. Feel free to contact our consultants.
We use Google Maps as third-party software in order to be able to present our locations to you here.
By clicking on "Accept" you agree to the data processing by Google.
This brief provides an overview of what the imminent implementation of the revised European Payment Services Directive (PDS II) as of 14 September 2019 will mean for you and your online banking routine.
With this information, we would like to inform you about your rights when making payments in europe in accordance with the revised European Payment Services Directive (PSD II).
A qualified web-certificate (QWAC) and a QSeal certificate are required for getting access to the interface.
As of 24/11/2021 ( GZ: GIT 1-K 5330-118837-2019/001 2021/1885200) the BaFin granted an exemption from the provision of a contingency mechanism, according to Article 33 of the Delegated Regulation (EU) 2018/389.
Attached you will find more details and developer-information about the xs2a interface:
Access to Account - Interface Description
Please use the following URL for getting access:
Test: https://abnahme-xs2a-mmw.bs-ag.com/MMW
Production: https://xs2a.warburg-bank.de/MMW
Exemplary access for the consent URL:
Test: https://abnahme-xs2a-mmw.bs-ag.com/MMW/v1/consents
Production: https://xs2a.warburg-bank.de/MMW/v1/consents
Key Performance Indicator: KPI
In case of any question please do not hesitate to contact us:
Domestic (6 cents per call):
Phone +49 1802 354 724
(plus mobile phone fees for calls from mobile phone networks)
International (6 cents per call):
Phone +49 201 3101 1827